G'day Mate!

Trip from Aug 13 to Sept 28

Friday, September 24, 2010

Last day in Sydney

Last night we went out to dinner for some pasta and then went to a comedian called Moshe Fasher. He is sooooo funny! and he is from America. We sat up in the right front row and got to be apart of the show since we were the only other americans in the audience. it was fabulous.

Today is our last day.. So we are splitting up so that we can get done what we would like. The other Sara and Megan are going to go to certain markets and get tattoos, while Kari and I head up to the Rock markets and the Chinese markets and go shop shop shopping! Also we were told to try the Iced Chocolates and sit in the cafe and relax with them. We will also see the harbour bridge and the opera house which is wayyyy exciting!!!

I am still a little burned, but as it always does, it is turning brown now. Phew.... I am excited to come home :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

we are in sydney and we are in love! its amazing, went to the markets this morning and walked around. LOVE LOVE LOVE SYDNEY

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Last day at school

Today was my last day at school. They asked us to give a speech, well they asked me first and put me on the spot.. the principal said say something brilliant about us! and i said "You are ALL brilliant!" and then he asked say something you learned from your teacher, and i said "to be even more sarcastic" and everyone laughed. Here is my class, and my teacher!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

This weekend :)

Here are some pictures from this weekend... into Brisbane on the ferris wheel and a ferry, and then sea world on sunday:

1. Dori, then a Seal at Sea World
2. Me and Corinne
3. Ferris Wheel :)
4. Bribee Island

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So today i realized that i am completely in charge of teaching my students whats on the test! ah! but the good news is, my teacher said that everything that i have done with them so far is absolutely brilliant. i dont necessarily think so... but he does so that is all that really matters!

This weekend recap:

We went to Morton Island which is off of Brisbane. A limo was there to pick us up from school on friday because one of the teachers at school who helped us coordinate things got us a car. We were not expecting this! She also let us stay at her house for the weekend! The limo with our friend "steve" took us to the ferry. The ferry took just over an hour to approach the island of Morton.

On the first night we settled in, got our luggage, went down to the ocean and took some silly shots, and grabbed some food. After that, four of us, or as i call us, TEAM AWESOME: Sara, Sarah, Corinne and Megan went to go have a drink or two and watch kareoke! It was the best. The other four went and sat in the apartment. We had some good laughs and were just our silly selves :) it was fantastic !!

Then the next day we went sand tobogganing. We went down on boards like the one above. They are super thin and you have to wax them life surf boards before you go down. The hill is a sand hill in the middle of nowhere that is roughly 4 stories high!!!! yeah, it was exhausting to climb all the way up there, and i did it twice :)

Once you get up there, they get you all ready and give you a swift push! its a thrill and you have to remember that you can't scream because sand will get in our mouth! Afterwards i looked like the picture of my hand: COVERED! i even had sand in my ears, which is just weird.

That night part of the group wanted to go out to eat at this expensive restaurant, but team awesome decided that we would rather have a good old time with some more reasonable priced food and drinks. And we had a ball :) We got all dressed up and laughed our hearts out!

Sunday we were going to do other things but the rain came in, so we cleaned and picked up anything that we left behind. Then back to the work week :(

More to come
